Sensibility that feels very much like yoni flowers
Thank you so much for taking your time to read this mystery. Today i will be sharing with you about the Sacred Mystery of female sexuality and how they are temple and home of life. This knowledge will enlighten you to understand the secrecy of wisdom that was hidden for decades. The labia, the Lips of Love, form the entrance to the Yoni. They are guardians not just of the body and sexuality, but also of your soul. They are the flowering sentinels who serve your sacred well and life force, and whose message is I honour myself. They hold these soul qualities: Welcoming, Safety, Trust, Honour, Praise, Appreciation, Connection to the Web of Life, Warmth, Wholesomeness. The sacred gate of the Yoni flowers with praise and appreciation. Once a woman honors and appreciates herself, she can receive that energy through the Yoni from another. When you are truly recognized and seen, you will feel welcomed by life. The